Best Truck Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ | Hirsch & Lyon


Injured in a Tractor Trailer Accident? You Need a Phoenix Truck Accident Lawyer

We are committed to Recovering Damages for Persons Injured in Phoenix Truck Accidents as Well as Surrounding Arizona Areas Including Kingman, Bullhead City, and Mohave County. If you have been injured in a truck accident in Phoenix due to the fault of another, Arizona law may entitle you to compensation for your various injuries.  Truck accidents — particularly those involving employers and third-party defendants — can be rather challenging to litigate.To improve your prospects, it’s important that you work with an experienced Phoenix truck accident lawyer who has a proven track record. Call 602-535-1900 today to set up a free initial consultation with one of the skilled injury attorneys at Hirsch & Lyon.

Arizona Truck Accident Statistics

In the state of Arizona, and throughout the United States, truck accidents are not only among the most common personal injury incidents (giving rise to a lawsuit), but are also among the most dangerous. Victims involved in a truck accident may sustain serious injuries, such as paralysis, brain damage, decapitation, and other trauma, or even death. Truck accident statistics reveal the inherent dangers of truck accident. In a 2015 study conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there were approximately 3,598 fatal crashes and 83,000 injury-causing crashes linked to large commercial vehicles in the United States. Those involved in truck collisions may be eligible for compensation, and an experienced Phoenix truck accident attorney at our firm can help victims recover their maximum due damages. 

Trucks are among the most dangerous types of vehicles on the road. The sheer size and weight of these vehicles can lead to devastating injuries for other motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists – much worse than injuries that may be sustained in accidents. In 2016, several motor vehicle accidents involved trucks and large commercial vehicles.

According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, the following represent 2016 Arizona truck accident statistics:

  • 38,149 truck accidents involved pickup trucks
  • 2,520 truck accidents involved truck tractors
  • 204 truck accidents involved dump trucks
  • 132 truck accidents involved garbage trucks
  • 40 truck accidents involved tanker trucks
  • 58 truck accidents involved concrete mixer trucks
  • 132 truck accidents involved tow trucks
  • 11,952 truck accidents resulted in injuries
  • 319 truck accidents were fatal

Truck accidents can occur for several reasons. However, for the majority of cases, truck accidents are the result of driver or trucking company negligence, such as speeding, unsafe lane changes, fatigue, or the trucking company’s failure to maintain vehicle safety. Anyone who has been involved in a truck accident may be entitled to compensation and should speak with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible following the incident.

Why Are 18-Wheeler Accidents More Serious Than Other Types of Accidents?

When a large truck collides with a passenger-sized car, the outcome can be disastrous. The sheer size of these commercial vehicles alone contributes to the extensive damage that truck accidents can result in. Truck accident victims often suffer serious injuries that can shatter their lives and the lives of the people they love the most. Hirsch & Lyon Accident Law P.L.L.C. knows far too well just how life-changing a trucking accident can be. Our lawyers have decades of collective experience assisting people who have suffered devastating injuries because of a trucking accident.

Common Types of Truck Accidents

One of the most common trucking accidents that we see in our legal practice occurs when a truck driver makes an unsafe lane change and collides with a car either passing on the left or right. Serious accidents also often happen when a truck is making a right turn from the left lane. Although the truck is supposed to remain in the right lane keeping the trailer as close as possible to curb and only swinging out into the left lane long enough to complete the turn, truck drivers often make right turns all the way from the left lane. When a truck driver swerves the trailer into the left lane to make a right turn, a car or bicycle with the space to pass on right is likely to be struck when the truck attempts to complete the right-hand turn.

Other types of truck accident claims that come across our desk involve cars that are rear-ended by semitrailers and other large trucks, as well as truck drivers who turn left in front of passenger vehicles, resulting in a serious collision.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Phoenix: The Role of Negligence in Commercial Vehicle Crashes

Large trucks and buses are uniquely dangerous in the accident context, thanks to a number of different factors: a) trucks tend to be heavier than other vehicles, so the impact force is more substantial and can cause more damage to others; b) trucks require a longer distance than smaller vehicles to come to a complete stop, and this difference is further compounded in poor weather conditions; and c) trucks may be improperly loaded, thus leading to a serious rollover risk.

Negligent actions that may lead to a truck accident – and subsequent personal injury – includes, but is not necessarily limited, to:

  • Failure to drive cautiously given the circumstances of the road
  • Failure to adapt driving to poor weather conditions
  • Excessive speeding, particularly when turning
  • Failure to properly maintain truck (brakes, engine, etc.)
  • Failure to load cargo in a safe configuration so as to minimize rollover risk
  • Driver under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Violations of federal and state regulation pertaining to truck driver scheduling and maintenance requirements
  • Failure to adhere to road signals
  • And more

Negligence in the truck accident context can be quite varied, depending on the particular circumstances of the case. Because there are so many factors involved in a truck accident case – and because trucking companies will likely fight the claim – it is imperative that victims seek legal counsel with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Phoenix who can protect their rights.

Semi-Truck Accidents Caused by Unsafe Lane Changes

Unsafe lane changes occur when a driver either drifts into the adjoining lane or pulls in front of a car traveling in that lane. A sideswipe is dangerous under any circumstance, but when a semi hits a smaller vehicle, the occupants face the prospect of a very serious accident. When the smaller vehicle is a bicycle or a motorcycle, the rider does not stand a chance against the large truck. Our lawyers are skilled at discovering the truth of what happened and proving liability.

After an accident, our attorneys launch an immediate investigation into the crash. At the crash site, we investigate debris field, gouge marks, skid marks and any other evidence that might be relevant to the accident. We also review the truck’s event data recorder, which records data about the moments immediately before and following impact, such as braking, steering, speed and angle of the truck. Our high level of diligence and attention to detail is why we are effective at recovering the maximum possible settlement or verdict award.

“I Did Not See You” is Not a Defense

The most common responses to lane drift are, “I didn’t see her,” and, “She came out of nowhere.” These are not valid excuses for making an unlawful lane change. The driver has a duty to remain in his lane and to look before crossing into the adjacent lane. The driver also has a duty to know where his blind spots are and to ascertain that nobody is obstructed from view.

Often, lane drift is caused by the driver’s inattention, including looking for a street sign, rubbernecking another accident, texting or daydreaming. Commercial drivers are prohibited from texting or talking on a phone while operating a truck, but they often ignore this federal regulation. We subpoena phone records if we suspect the driver was distracted by texting at the time.

Fatigue Log Book Irregularities and Issues

Being a commercial truck driver is a stressful job – it requires long hours behind the wheel, lots of tedious (and sometimes difficult) driving, and an ability to complete ambitious delivery schedules on a daily basis. Because truckers are often paid by the mile and trucking companies want deliveries to be completed as quickly as possible, there are built-in incentives for truckers and their employers to violate the Hours of Service regulations (HOS) imposed by the US Department of Transportation. Unfortunately, crashes can happen as a result. Anyone involved in a truck crash due to a driver’s fatigue, negligence on either the trucker or trucking company’s part, or any other trucking violation has the right to speak with an attorney in Phoenix.

Federal law requires HOS compliance to be recorded in a log book but both truckers and trucking companies routinely falsify the records and “fudge” the numbers for various reasons. Drivers work overtime to make extra money and make up “lost” miles caused by long wait times at loading docks or delays from weather and highway traffic. Or a driver just wants to get home for the weekend and exceeds the hour limits to make that happen. Trucking companies often impose demanding (and unrealistic) delivery schedules on their drivers or may offer drivers bonuses for making extra stops. Regardless of the reasons, falsifying log books in a federal crime and the trucking companies can be held liable for any injuries caused by fatigue-related accidents.

Hours of Service (HOS) Laws Regarding Truck Driver Hours

The HOS limit a trucker’s working time in various ways:

  • Not more than 11 hours of total driving time per day.
  • Not more than 8 consecutive hours of driving (driving can resume after a break of at least 30 minutes).
  • A maximum workday of 14 hours (including the 11 permitted hours of driving and all breaks)
  • Drivers cannot begin another 11-hour driving day or 14-hour workday without first taking 10 consecutive hours off-duty.
  • Not more than 70 working hours in a consecutive 7-day period.
  • Drivers cannot start another 7-day work week without first taking at least 34 consecutive off-duty hours.

The Dangers of Fatigue

Simply put, more driver fatigue causes more accidents. Sleep deprivation slows reaction time and impairs a driver’s ability to drive and operate their truck’s controls. Nearly 500,000 accidents involving large trucks happen on US highways annually resulting in over 5,000 fatalities and 140,000 injuries. Studies have shown that fatigue and overwork play a major role in many of these accidents.

Arizona Has a Statute of Limitations: Don’t Wait to Pursue Your Truck Accident Claim

If you do not file your lawsuit in a timely manner, you may not be eligible to sue and recover damages in a court of law.  Because Arizona’s statute of limitations sets a two-year max for filing a personal injury case, it is critical that you seek the counsel of an experienced attorney soon after your injury so that your claims can be fully assessed and your lawsuit filed before the statutory deadline.

Once you have consulted with a personal injury attorney and your case is taken on, your legal representative will investigate the facts (sometimes in conjunction with a professional investigator) and determine potential indications of negligence.

Vicarious Liability in Arizona

In Arizona, as in many other states, employers can be held vicariously liable for the negligence of their employees, so long as the negligent employee committed the acts at-issue within the course and scope of their employment. Vicarious liability can be a bit confusing, so let’s take a look at how it works in the truck accident context.

For example, suppose that you are injured in a truck accident by a commercial trailer truck. The driver negligent at the time of the accident (fatigued, speeding, and disobeying road rules), and as a consequence of this negligence, you were injured. Not only can you hold the truck driver liable for your damages, but Arizona law would also entitle you to sue and recover damages from the employer. You will have to show, however, that the truck driver was acting within the course and scope of their employment at the time of the accident (i.e., by delivering goods in accordance with their job duties).

Vicarious liability is particularly useful in situations where the truck driver defendant does not have the insurance coverage or funds necessary to pay out your total damages. If you have racked up over $1M in total damages, for instance, you may find it easier to get your payout from the employer than from the employee truck driver.

Employers may also be separately liable for their own negligence. For example, imagine that you are injured by a truck driver who was intoxicated at the time of the accident. Further investigation reveals that the driver had a history of alcoholism and drunk driving incidents on their driving record. The employer could therefore be held independently liable for negligently hiring the driver and failing to properly supervise the driver, given the history of alcoholism and drunk driving.

Trucking Companies Have Specialized Insurance Companies. You Need a Phoenix Truck Accident Lawyer On Your Side to Fight Back

Although truck drivers are sometimes completely at fault for a collision, winning a truck accident case can be an uphill battle. Trucking companies typically work with their own specialized insurance companies that have superior experience in defending truck accident cases. This means that you are likely to have a serious fight on your hands, even in the most straightforward cases of obvious fault. An accident victim who is not represented by an experienced lawyer is no match for the expertise of these powerful insurance companies.

The trucker’s insurance company may contact you for a statement. You have the right under Arizona law to simply refuse. We recommend that you do not speak to the insurance adjuster until you have consulted with an attorney. Remember, whatever you say can be used against you.

Another common tactic insurance companies use is to seek quick settlement for less than what you are entitled to. Once you sign a release, you forfeit your rights to additional compensation. Therefore, you should discuss your claim with an experienced attorney before signing any paperwork. Hirsch & Lyon Accident Law offers a free case evaluation so you can learn whether the offer is fair or if your case may be worth more.

We Will Launch a Rapid and Thorough Investigation

When a truck accident victim hires our firm, our legal team will take quick action to investigate the crash. A thorough and rapid investigation is critical to the success of your case. Our lawyers in Phoenix, AZ will locate and review all the evidence to determine the cause or causes of the accident. Our investigation will examine many different factors, including possibilities of an overloaded truck, mechanical defects, driver noncompliance with federal break and sleep standards, and impaired or distracted driving at the time of the accident.

Consult With a Qualified Phoenix Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Hirsch & Lyon’s attorneys have over six decades of combined experience obtaining successful results for our injury clients, with the track record to prove it — over the years, we have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. Unlike many other Phoenix truck accident law firms, we are available 24/7 for our clients. If you have any questions or concerns about your case, feel free to call in and speak with one of our staff members. Additionally, we offer our services at a discounted rate.  As such, if you litigate a case with us, you are not only benefiting from best-in-class legal advocacy, but the discounted rate means that you take home a larger amount from the total damages award. To schedule a free consultation with Hirsch & Lyon, call 602-535-1900 today. We look forward to speaking with you.

Phoenix Truck Accident FAQs

Q: I was speeding at the time of the accident. Can I still recover damages?

A: Yes. First, even if you were speeding, the fact that you were speeding did not necessarily contribute to your injuries. Only if your negligence contributed to your injuries will it affect your ability to recover. Second, Arizona is a pure comparative negligence state. What this means is that you are entitled to recover damages even if you are mostly at-fault for your injuries. For example, if you are deemed 60% at-fault for your injuries, you will still be able to recover 40% of your total damages.

Q: Do punitive damages apply to my case?

A: It depends on the circumstances.  Punitive damages are rather uncommon in civil injury lawsuits. Generally speaking, the court will only award punitive damages in cases where the defendant’s conduct is particularly egregious or malicious in nature, as punitive damages are not intended to compensate the injured, but are intended to “punish” the defendant and discourage others from the same type of conduct. For example, if you are involved in a truck accident with a driver whose employer was violating federal commercial trucking regulations and requiring that their drivers work extended hours (thus leading to dangerous fatigue levels), then a court may find such behavior egregious enough to justify an award of punitive damages.

Q: What damages can I claim?

A: In a truck accident lawsuit, you can claim a variety of damages for losses that include, but are not necessarily limited, to:

  • Medical expenses (past and future)
  • Wage loss (past and future)
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Property damage
  • And more

Q: My insurer has offered to settle — what should I do?

A: In most cases, you should avoid settling with an insurer unless you have consulted with a qualified team of truck accident lawyers first. Insurance companies are in the business of minimizing their liabilities. Without the aid of an attorney, the insurance company will manipulate the situation to their advantage and coax you into a premature settlement that does not take into account their actual liabilities.

Q: Do I need a personal injury lawyer in Phoenix to handle my truck accident case?

A: Yes, you do. Why? Because large trucking companies tend to have a team of lawyers who stand ready and willing to defend themselves against having to make a huge payout to you, the injured party. Truck accidents are often some of the most serious accidents that can occur, given the sheer size of the truck itself. And the injuries stemming from most truck accidents are often quite serious, if not deadly. That said, we will work hard to prove any negligence on the driver’s and/or truck owner’s part, as well as participate in the investigation process by reviewing the police and accident reports, interviewing any witnesses to the accident, reviewing the driver’s credentials, investigating the scene and determining whether the trucker obeyed all applicable traffic laws.

Q: What is a “commercial vehicle”?

A: A commercial vehicle can include a variety of large trucks used in the transportation of goods. Examples of commercial trucks include 18-wheelers, dump trucks, semis, tanker trucks, tow trucks, and several others.

Q: Who is liable for a truck accident?

A: Anyone who caused the truck accident can be held liable for it. Sometimes, the accident is due to the truck driver’s negligence. Other times, it is the result of the trucking company’s failure to abide by safety standards. If you or someone you love was hurt in a truck crash in Phoenix, it is important to consult with an experienced accident attorney as quickly as possible. Your lawyer will review the details of the incident and make sure those who are at-fault are held accountable for their actions.

Q: What are the most common causes of truck accidents in Phoenix?

A: The vast majority of truck accident cases are caused by either the truck driver’s negligent actions or the trucking company’s negligence. Truck drivers are often expected to work long hours – much more than workers employed in any other profession. As a result, truck drivers are often tired and fatigued, speed in order to arrive at their destinations on time, and commit several other unsafe roadway practices. To save money, trucking companies may not perform frequent safety checks on their vehicles, which can also lead to accidents. Additionally, trucking companies often pressure drivers into working longer hours than necessary, despite knowing that their drivers are exhausted.

Q: What should I do if the trucking company or their insurance provider attempts to settle after an accident?

A: Insurance providers are notorious for lowballing accident victims. They know victims are already dealing with their injuries or the wrongful death of a loved one and are vulnerable. They will try to take advantage of your vulnerability and offer a settlement that is – in many cases – way below what you are rightfully entitled to. They may even put a due date on your response for recovering damages. Though it can be tempting to take the offer and put the accident behind you, the actual compensation you may be rightfully entitled to can be well above what the trucking company or their insurer is offering. In some cases, trucking companies and their insurance providers may even try to avoid paying victims entirely. Speaking with an experienced attorney is the best thing you can do to make sure your right to compensation is fully protected.

Q: How can an accident lawyer help me after a truck collision?

A: After a collision with a large commercial vehicle, trucking companies will attempt to defend themselves and avoid liability for the incident – even if their own negligence contributed to the incident. They may also attempt to limit compensation to victims or even refuse to pay damages altogether. However, when you work with a knowledgeable team of lawyers, you’ll have experienced legal counsel on your side defending your rights. Attorneys that have successfully represented injury victims against trucking companies and their drivers know exactly what it takes to win the case at hand. They will investigate the incident, speak with law enforcement officials and witnesses, look into the safety practices of the trucking company and drivers, and even contact medical professionals to ensure you obtain the medical care you need and the full compensation you are entitled to.


If you have been involved in a collision with an 18-wheeler or other heavy truck, you may be entitled to compensation. These types of accident cases are complicated and generally involve multiple parties who may be legally responsible for your injuries and other damages. Consulting with experienced attorneys can drastically increase your chances of recovering your due compensation. Contact Hirsch & Lyon today if you were involved in a truck accident. Our firm provides free consultations so you can go over your legal options at no cost to you.


When a passenger car is in an accident involving a fully loaded semitrailer truck, the injuries are oftentimes catastrophic, so you must seek the help of an top Phoenix catastrophic injury attorney. Tractor trailers and other commercial trucks far outweigh standard size cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles. Thinking in terms of Newton’s Second Law of Motion (Force = Mass x Acceleration), the tremendous mismatch in weight between the car and the truck means that when a heavy truck collides with a car, a tragedy is the likely result.

The lawyers at Hirsch & Lyon Accident Law P.L.L.C. have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies that specialize in providing insurance products to the trucking industry. It is important to understand that when you are involved in a trucking accident in Phoenix or other Arizona area, you will not be dealing with a typical consumer insurance carrier. Truckers and trucking companies are protected by powerful commercial insurance companies that have extensive manpower and resources to challenge your claim. If you are not represented by attorneys who are very familiar with how these companies handle claims, you are likely to receive the short of end of the stick when it comes to your compensation.


Truck accidents can be caused by an endless list of factors and behaviors, ranging from speeding and distracted driving to driver fatigue and defective maintenance. When you work with our firm, we will undertake a full-blown investigation of your accident to uncover the underlying cause or causes of your accident. Our investigation will include analyzing the truck’s logbooks to find out whether the trucker complied with safety laws and regulations requiring break times and sleep for truck drivers. We will also investigate whether the vehicle may have been overweight and whether its load was properly secured and balanced.

Additionally, our  attorneys look into other circumstances which may have contributed to your accident, such as problems with tire inflation, defective equipment, improper inspections, lack of training, the possible use of alcohol or drugs by the truck driver and many other considerations.


At Hirsch & Lyon Accident Law, we understand just how traumatic a truck accident can be, and we are prepared to do everything we can to make things easier for you. Our attorneys will fight to get a fair recovery for your losses, including your medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. We have helped thousands of truck accident victims and their families collect the financial compensation they deserve in nearly all types of accident cases, including truck crashes involving:

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Phoenix Truck Accident Attorneys Today

Whether you were a driver or passenger who was injured when a commercial truck struck your vehicle, Hirsch & Lyon Accident Law has the skills, knowledge and resources to handle your case. When you hire our firm, we will launch a complete investigation to identify all of the parties who may share responsibility for your injuries. Don’t delay – call us today at 602-535-1900 to schedule a free case review with our experienced attorneys or contact us online now.

Our firm accepts clients throughout the Phoenix Metropolitan area, including Peoria, Glendale, Tempe, Mesa, Chandler and Scottsdale. We also have offices in Kingman and Bullhead City.